Sunday, April 28, 2013

Alexander is on the move.

Alexander turned ten months old on the 19th and he's on the move. He can walk all over the place unassisted. He likes to play with everything that is not a toy. He went to the beach for the first time and didn't enjoy the dirty sand. He also got to meet his great grandfather before he passed away. He's a busy guy!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Alexander is 9 months old!

Can't believe out little man is 9 months old! Here are some recent photos of him.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Alexander's First Steps

Alexander took his first steps tonight! He is only 7 months old! He has been walking using his baby walker, but has been letting go lately. Tonight I was filming him and he just took 2 steps. I didn't really get it on video because I was afraid he would fall off the couch. Yes that is me yelling at the end of the video. We are so excited and not ready at the same time!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Alexander is 7 months old!

Our sweet little boy is 7 months old today! He is a speedy crawler, can sit and stand up on his own, and is very chatty!